On a recent trip to a nearby Christmas lights farm, my 4 year old Grandson oohed and awed over the each new scene laid out before his eyes. Each twist and turn in the road presented a newly discovered pile of lights. Wire shaped just right and covered in thousands of lights to take the form of Elves, flowers, fire trucks, and even Santa himself. It was so nice to see his face light up! At the end of the journey was no other than the jolly fat man himself! They had a photographer set up to snap pics of your little one up upon Santa's knee, but self portraits, or video of any kind were forbidden. My Grandson didn't have to wait in line, as the group before us had already climbed down and made their way out the door. So he marches right up to Santa, who of course knew his name! Santa asked him to climb into his lap, and that's when it happened....... My Grandson stops. Tells Santa to please hang on a minute, he turns to the photographer and politely raises his hand to her and says.. "No pictures please!" Of course you can imagine the laughter that ensued. The photographer, of course, remarked we had a celebrity on our hands! Out of the mouths of babes.
This year I'm in Texas for Christmas. My eldest daughter is ill and I've left behind my beloved North Carolina and my sweet hubby to come lend a hand. To keep things lively we've come up with some daily routines to keep the house tidy, people fed, and tempers from soaring. In our search for ideas to help things run more smoothly we invented a new game. It all started one day when I noticed a Gumby figurine perched inside a decorative hole in the fireplace. I had to laugh because it made Gumby look as if he were holding up the fireplace! It sparked a hide-n-go seek game that has been going on for over a month now! Whoever finds it, hides it next time. It's sort of like our own version of Elf On A Shelf! Hide-n-Go Gumby I guess. You NEVER know where he will turn up!
I pray this holiday season finds you sharing quality time with your loved ones. I hope that as you turn each corner it is filled with joy and wonder! As you go forth through this very merry month, remember what the season's really all about. Then smile, thank the Lord for small blessings, and hug your family!
Auntie Aims