Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Lights and Burnt Sugar Cookies

       Well, still in Texas with my oldest daughter. Christmas lights are hung. Tree's are up. Penguin blow-up thingie is inflated in the yard, and gifts are wrapped and under their tree.  Twice I've tried to make cookies and burnt them. BUT... I cooked them on a stone cookie sheet... so they had an all over even burn,LOL. They looked like chocolate cookies instead of sugar cookies. SO.. being the practical jokester that I am, I bagged them to give to someone later. Yeah, i know, so mean, but It can't be helped. Joking is in my blood. I've tried to behave and not pull any on my dear daughter. Instead, everytime I think of one I just right it down in my art idea book, and will pull it on my Sweet Hubby when I return home.  He will appreciate it much more than anyone else.. and get me back of course.
I wish you all a joyous holiday season. I wish you time well spent with family, new memories made, and old ones recalled. I wish you lots of good food, un-burned sugar cookies ( unless needed for a rather great practical joke, especially if you dip them in white bark!)  hugs from old friends, kisses under the mistletoe, and most of all Blessings for safe travels.    God Bless You All, Auntie Aimes


  1. It worked! I could post! Lol--Nora

    1. That makes me so happy! Now if you could just JOIN my site the circle would be complete,LOL!


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