Friday, December 28, 2012

Covered Bridges, Siri, and "The Hunger Games".

    My Sweet Hubby decided yesterday that we needed a little family outing.  He said dress warm and bring a camera. So we loaded up the truck, and away we went. He "got lost" a few times along the way, although I think he was just saying that to throw us off track so we wouldn't out our destination; which I am sure will never happen because, as he well knows, since my bout with Lyme Disease I can get turned around in my own bathtub.  

   We spent the drive pointing at places we have to come back to (most closed up for Christmas) and asking Siri ( daughter got a new phone for Christmas) goofy questions.  Such as: "Siri, what kind of wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?"   The answer? "How many pounds in a ground hog's mound when a ground hog pounds hog mounds? "  Along with a few other funny ones, and I'm not sure but i think after a while she asked if we had anything better to do. Which of course made me curse her as she said.. "Now Now!" I was scolded by Siri! I'm SURE my Mother had something to do with that.  We also asked her to sing us a song, we got a lil ditty from The Wizard of Oz.  Asked her to tell us a tongue twister, which she very obligingly told us about selling sea shells and a very fast rendition of Peter Piper.  All in all I'd say it was productive.

  We finally arrived at our destination. Bunker Hill Covered Bridge. It's a beautiful spot for taking pictures.  It, sadly, is covered with graffiti on the inside. The outside has remained unaltered, thankfully.   We read the info boards, walked the bridge, and began snapping away. We marked the occasion with wonderful family pictures to look back on years from now. A nice lady, taking pics of her own, stopped and asked if she could take a group photo for us. She was a new camera owner, out practicing things she was learning in her photography class. They turned out frame worthy.

  We left as the day started turning too cool for comfort. Laughing at the great picture my daughter had taken of my husband asking me "what's in your head" and popping me on the forehead with his open palm.

     My Goofy Hubby. Just you wait, I'm sure there will be a few "surprises" waiting on you around the house this week!  ( in the form of some particularly awesome jokes I've been saving to use at JUST the right time!)  

    On the way home we stopped just down the road from our house at the site where they filmed "The Hunger Games". My daughter hadn't been by there yet, and being the ripe old age of 14, she was all too eager to get some pics to share with her friends. She Googled where to take the best shots ( places spotted in the film) and of course we had to be precise. Then she found out I've not yet seen the movie! "MOM! How can you live RIGHT THERE, and NOT see a movie made RIGHT HERE!"  I'll never live that one down! I suppose this will mean a trip to Red Box in the next few days. 


All in all, I'd say it was a day well spent, memories made, moments in time captured on film, imprint, laughs shared, foreheads face palmed, and smiles shared. Thank you Lord!

God Bless You All,

Auntie Aimes

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas...It's All About Dogs On Strike and Fried Rice!

   The gifts are under the tree, the family is heading over ( part of it ), and the fried rice is about ready.. WHAT?? Fried Rice for Christmas?  Yep, it was easy, and I make a darn good fried rice. If I DO say so myself!
   I got busy today and made the dogs matching Christmas Bandanna's. They are red with their initial in white.  I thought I did a smashing job, but they were not at all amused. As they sat for their picture looking at me like I had wrapped some sort of medieval torture device around their little necks. I'm so unappreciated. BUT you bring out one bag of treats, and it's all about ME! I ask you, where is the justice in that?

      I'm patiently awaiting the arrival of my daughter. Haven't seen her since summer, and I'm excited! She's a hoot, and we have a lot that we're going to shove into one week. Baking, gift making, sewing lessons, crafting, movie watching, laughing, remembering old times, and who knows what else we will get into. She got her Mom's sense of humor, and need for occasional mischief making. So I know it will be ON in this house! Not a safe place to be when we're all together. SOMEONE will fall prey to at least one, (if not 20) great practical joking experiences!

Let the good times roll!

   Now, I'm off to finish up the rice, make sure the tree is all decked, the holly is properly placed, and the dogs haven't gone on strike.

God Bless You All!

Auntie Aimes

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Ninja

   My running shoes are on, I've got my "green" shopping bags ready, and elbow pads are properly placed on my arms, JUST in case someone wants to play rough. (I thought about my kids old arm floats, but that would just be too bulky) It's that time. I've put it off as long as possible. Christmas shopping... Here I come!  
   I know I should have done this months ago. I used to be the "done with all my Christmas shopping by September" gal, but times being what they are, no longer driving, and ..well... just simply dreading the experience, I'm running a bit behind schedule this year.  So I suppose I'll be dealing with the left-overs of the holiday season. (Everyone will be getting socks and the last few cans of spam in their stockings)
   I feel like I'm preparing for war, as I carefully decide what to wear. Something comfy, something that won't get caught on hangers, and snagged by purses. (something slick, so when I run for the last Elmo toy in the store, I won't be easy to hold onto when I pull out my Ninja moves.
    I've no idea what to get anyone this year. I'm usually pretty "up to date" on the latest craze for each member of my family. Hibernating in my house these past few years has left me unawares of what's going on with everyone. I have a feeling my shopping experience is going to go something like this>>>    
 >>> As I walk into the store I will IMMEDIATELY become so overwhelmed by all the "new and improved" array of gifts and gadgets. I'll get that dreaded "mall walk"... You know, those people that get in front of you, that look like they've never been in a mall before, like they've been locked away all their lives and "everything's so shiny.. so pretty" and they wont move over and let a professional shopper get by!  THAT will be me.. the same look a dog gets when he is fascinated by your every move, and hangs on to your every word.. SQUIRREL!!!!!!   Sigh... Yep, that will be me. OCD, ADD and my dog mentality in tow.
   So when everybody opens up their gifts this year and gets neon striped toe socks with unicorns, space bags, fruit cake, and those left-over assorted novelty items, ya know, the ones that were in the very bottom of the dollar bin, don't be mad at me.. Just smile.. and look surprised!

Wish me luck my friends!

Auntie Aims

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Let Us Not Forget

       As we gather around our tables, and our trees this holiday season, let us not forget what this celebration is all about. It's about our Lord Jesus Christ's birth.
      Celebrate... it means to  commend, consecrate, dedicate, bless, drink to, exalt, glorify, hallow, have a ball, honor, jubilate, live it up, observe, paint the town red, party, praise, proclaim, rejoice, revel, and many more. No matter how you "celebrate" remember that we have this day because of our savior. Remind yourselves, your children, and family what the true meaning of Christmas is all about.
     So GO, and beat your drums, sing praises to our King, feast with your family, kick up your heels, open gifts around the tree, and make merry!  Isaiah 9:6 says: For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. And THAT is something to be celebrated!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I've Got a Dr. Pepper Buzz Going!

     Lot's to do, little time to do it.  I have to finish 2 dresses, one quilt ( which is almost complete ) a couple of Christmas surprises, and the US flag... oh, that's right, I'm not Betsy Ross!  Shew..... Guess I can mark that one off the list!  All this needs to be in tomorrows mail!  Wish me luck.
    My boys have been busy playing under my feet all day. Which was great till I forgot they were there and took a nose dive. It's OK, I meant to do that. Needless to say, they were scolded, and asked to go lay somewhere else. Now I have a new problem. My feet are cold. So do I want a bruised ego, or cold feet? Tough choice.
    I decided if I'm going to get anything done today at all I will have to break out the big guns. I've got 3 cans of Dr. Pepper left, lined up in the fridge.. waiting patiently... Which will give me enough energy to run a marathon, and probably take ATLEAST a close 3rd in an Olympic sprint competition. OK, so that's an exageration, but it will      
                                                    keep me going for a while. Look out sewing machine, here I come!

                                                    Have a Blessed Day My Peeps,
                                                    Auntie Aimes

Friday, December 14, 2012

Momma Got a New Harley!

Yeah.. not quite.. Momma got an OLD Harley. Oh, and I should add that this "Harley" has to be fed and watered!  Harley is an 11 year Chihuahua that I saved and promised to love. A cousin in Texas was forced to make a decision he didn't want to make and needed to find Harley a good home. Well, when he wasn't able to, he was left with his only option of taking him to a no kill shelter. Thank goodness he waited till the last minute, because in swoops Auntie Aimes to save the day! So now I have a handsome little man, who shakes like crazy when he is nervous, falls asleep standing up, snores at night, and sings when he is happy! He is also quick to tell my 3 year old Chi-weenie when playtime is OVER!  I'm home everyday, so these guys of mine get plenty of love and attention. Harley has adjusted well to his new surroundings.  I was concerned that my larger ( not by much) Chiweenie might get too rough with him, but he seems to be aware that his new playmate is a bit tiny. That and Harley isn't a bit afraid to speak his mind when he wants to call an end to the wrestlin' match!

Harley a few days after I got him. Bless his little heart he was really missin' his Daddy and wouldn't eat. He got skinny. After a few days, and realizing he was greatly loved,   (and a little bribery) he started eating again, and is fattening up quite nicely.

Harley, 3 days into newness. Getting comfy with Mom on the couch.

Nothing like a nice nap!

Chilli and Harley after a long play session. Someone's gettin' tired!

I'll give Harley updates from time to time, and maybe post a few pics.  I'm thinking between the two of them it will get pretty interesting around here!

Blessings to All,
Auntie Aimes

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Stockings for My First Born's Family

Of course I had to make her stockings. Hers didnt match! We cant have that now can we?  AND she asked so nicely. Who could resist hearing their 24 year old say "Mommy, would you please do something for me?"  So out the fabric flew... ( sorry I was out of town or it would have come with a tutorial, LOL) and here is what we ended up with:  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ten Years Worth of Driving

      OK, so it only took us roughly 10 hours, this trip my dear friend and I took today. Mini van loaded down with kids, pets, one sister, 2 old school chums, (OK, maybe not "OLD". We'll use "prior" instead!) 400 kid's movies, one totally tubular 80's music CD, enough snacks to feed 3 states, a child's porta potty, ( for those lil' emergency's ) and a partridge in a pear tree.  OK, that last one was a fabrication, the pet was actually one very nervous Chihuahua. (No fowls were harmed in the making of this expedition!) (and I should add neither was the Chihuahua!)
     Being stuck in Texas, although not a bad thing, because I got to visit one of my baby girls and one "growing like a weed" Grandson, wasn't all bad. Growing like a weed, we say that in a good way, but now that I give it some thought makes it sound like we're being plagued by our little ones doesn't it. Hmmm... Must re-think that saying.  Being stuck wasn't so bad until I received the call that my hubby had been admitted to the hospital. I did miss him dearly, but then the urgency to get my tail back to NC became all too real.  Most of you know I'm unable to drive. (which is probably a good thing for you fellow drivers)  I had two friends step right up to the plate and offer to return me! Here's hoping it was definitely out of kindness and not a need to get me out of their state as fast as possible! HA!   All kidding aside, it was just one of the kindest things I've ever had offered to me, and I am forever grateful.
  So here I sit, halfway home, ( my Mother met us so no one would have to drive the entire distance ) I've been grounded... by my Mother.. who says I am never aloud to leave my house again.  Mini van, having left hours ago for its return trip, but still in the company of a very nervous dog. I can honestly say this entire venture has been an interesting experience. What started out as a trip to lend a hand to my entirely too overly-stressed child, became arriving at my destination only to catch the flu a day later, 2 1/2 weeks of coughing and wheezing, but hopefully not TOO much whining. I did manage to entertain my Grandson, and enjoy every minute of him that I could! There was also the loss of a dog, saving of another ( the nervous nail biter ) the "SKUNK" incident, <shudder> the hurling of Christmas in my daughter's living room ( story for later ), but best of all getting to see old friends!  Who says ya can't go home!
    I love you All, God Bless You, and Merry Christmas.   Auntie Aimes

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Lights and Burnt Sugar Cookies

       Well, still in Texas with my oldest daughter. Christmas lights are hung. Tree's are up. Penguin blow-up thingie is inflated in the yard, and gifts are wrapped and under their tree.  Twice I've tried to make cookies and burnt them. BUT... I cooked them on a stone cookie sheet... so they had an all over even burn,LOL. They looked like chocolate cookies instead of sugar cookies. SO.. being the practical jokester that I am, I bagged them to give to someone later. Yeah, i know, so mean, but It can't be helped. Joking is in my blood. I've tried to behave and not pull any on my dear daughter. Instead, everytime I think of one I just right it down in my art idea book, and will pull it on my Sweet Hubby when I return home.  He will appreciate it much more than anyone else.. and get me back of course.
I wish you all a joyous holiday season. I wish you time well spent with family, new memories made, and old ones recalled. I wish you lots of good food, un-burned sugar cookies ( unless needed for a rather great practical joke, especially if you dip them in white bark!)  hugs from old friends, kisses under the mistletoe, and most of all Blessings for safe travels.    God Bless You All, Auntie Aimes