Sunday, February 17, 2013

Birthday Wishes, Funny Nicknames, and The Stronger of the Two

Today is my youngest Sister's birthday.  Happy Birthday Nora!  My little Sis, although starting out life as the quiet one ( or so we thought), has in her time done some quite remarkable things.  Getting stuck with the cutest of nicknames, which I refuse to share at this time, for fear of retaliation, on her part. All the same... It was cute. I can tell you it was due to the fact that my Sis spent the first 2 years of her life... well... upside down, actually.  She was fascinated more with the world as it looked bent over, butt in the air, looking through her legs, which must have been incredible. I could often picture her seeing fairies on the ceiling, or maybe she thought if she bent over and looked at the world from this vantage, she could walk on the ceiling?

Nora seen here dive bombing the bean bag

Nora and my middle sister, Joylyn, were inseparable. Very close in age, they would often go on adventures together. Once I saw my very tiny Nora tell Joylyn to climb on her shoulders, because she was sure the cookies, just out of reach, could be snatched from the cupboard with a little sweat and ingenuity. Whose Idea we may never know, but it worked. Wish I'd been able to take a picture of them, I always wondered why tiny little Nora thought it was a good idea to have Joylyn on HER shoulders, when it made much more sense the other way around. I suppose as long as it worked in their minds... it would work period. Guess Nora thought she was the stronger of the two.

Nora and Joylyn Cruisin' The Block

My Nora is grown now, married, with a baby of her own, who is not so baby anymore. She still has that same beautiful smile she had as a youngin', and still gets into mischeviousness with Joylyn... EVERY chance they get!  I'm sure our Mother never knows what will take place when we are all together, for as we've grown older, the age gaps have disappeared, and now we are just 3 adults, up for anything that will bring a smile to someones face, all the time hoping we dont get busted for it. Which usually happens when Mom walks in the room a little too early.

I love you Nora, your sense of humor, your love of the Lord, and seeing you be a Mom. It's been a blessed thing to watch.  I will NOT remind you that things will start falling apart, and heading south, as youth fades and gravity takes over. Ughhh..  I will remind you that I love you, that I am so happy to have you as my Sister, and that next time you are down I've got a great one we can pull on Joylyn!

Nora trying out for American Idol  YES She sings!

                             Happy Birthday, Sweet Cheeks!

                    All My Love, Auntie Aimes/AKA Your Big Sis

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